Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Good Morning Routine

Well we are rocking on we survived our Week 3. Yay Schooling is going smoothly. We finished our goals and no we move on to Week 4... OK so lets see we are learning staying constant makes life so much easier and kids get school work done quicker. Now that is something. =)

My kiddos at first were very resistant on getting up at 7am and doing morning routine to start schooling at 8am. But now when i don't get them up it why didn't you get me up. I have found they are actually getting up on their own. Yay but the reason is because they say oh Momma we love the Good Morning Song but do you have to have it playing when you wake us up! My word no but you wake up so nice and ready to get our day going. Or do you want me to come in and do it like your Daddy (loud stern like military voice)"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP TIME TO RISE AND SHINE WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP"

We wake up get dressed, make beds and set table. Then we Pray, eat (while listening to our fun songs) and clean table rinse dishes and brush teeth. We the listen to Keys 4 Kids. They have awesome daily devotional stories and scripture for that day. Awesome not having to think of something. Kids love it they also have bible game as well as other story times.

How do you get your kiddos up before school are there adjustments you make or are you content and kids happy with your routine? Please share looking forward to hearing and learning other ways!
                        Thank you for stopping by and Pondering with me!
"Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a goodly Christian weapon." — Martin Luther
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. — Romans 8:28

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