Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Twinkle Little Star

Today we had what we call Life hit us so everything started fast but way off schedule. We were off our Daily Goals from the start this morning! Which is life and you move on. See our Weekly Goals are very forgiving and easy to get back on track! The kids slept in ok I was lazy and didn't do my momma thing and took advantage of a quit morning. Ok who and I foolin Abbigale won't give me that bliss. I get up she is up.

Ok back to story! After we got up and did our morning routine it was almost time for Jon-Jon's appointment. We have an appointment every month for his medicine management. So while I had a few minutes and Abbigale was busy helping her brother and sisters I was able to get on and check emails. Then we went to Jon-Jon's appointment. Appointment was like any other and went smoothly happy to report!

We got home and made lunch then Started Today's Goals. We actually did everything even though we didn't get dinner tell way later then usual. We also didn't make it to G.A.'s/ Youth Group. But Left over Jambalaya sure was a life saver for me! Woo hoo gotta love it when you have something already homemade in the Ice Box.

Today the kids successfully learned the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star we found on line. It is very basic and easy moves. So since I am a mean Mom I have stepped it up we are adding movements to it. They were kinda mad but I think it will help them learn more ASL in long run. They almost have Alphabets down. Lileigh is kinda having issues some is lack of wanting to try or put effort in to it. But  I do give her credit she does watch and does attempt at times so maybe she will catch on soon. "Keeping fingers crossed and not my eyes"

The memory verse they are learning is "For his loving kindness is great toward us, and the truth of the Lord is everlasting." Psalm 117:2  We are still learning to put KINDNESS in to our daily lives as well attentiveness.These are such good habits to have. If more people would use these daily we would have such a happy America heck world! But remember this it is up to us to make our children a better tomorrow and way of  looking at life! Remember it starts with us Parents being Attentive and Kind to our children, can make a difference in our world and family lives!

You can gain more friends by being yourself than you can by putting up a front. You can gain more friends by building people up than you can by tearing them down. And you can gain more friends by taking a few minutes from each day to do something kind for someone, whether it be a friend or a complete stranger. What a difference one person can make! Sasha Azevedo quotes 

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