Monday, June 24, 2013

San Rayburn Fish Hatchery

We went to the San Rayburn Fish Hatchery! Our family had fun learning how it works. Unfortunately they were out of season on breeding fish. So we will go back in March prime time. ;)
They had just found this gator couple days ago. They let use touch him. The girls where in aww of him. That was high light of day. 

Tobin even liked feeling him. Wow my son is such a boy! :-)
These are how they breed catfish with these individual sections. They put one male and one female. If the pair get along they will spawn over 100,000 eggs. 
They also use the catch mats. 
           To catch the fertile eggs!
The girls actually listening to our guide. :-) To show how big the temporary tanks are here is one picture. They also use San Rayburn's water and recycle it to keep water fresh. They have big acre ponds out side. I forgot to get picture of them. But I will when we come back!

The girls loved their built in fish aquarium! 
There now you can read it!! 
When we go back on March I will have better pictures and will explain what goes on better. We just had a great family day since Daddy had a day off! 
 Thank you for pondering with us,

 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content.” Philippians 4:11 (KJV)

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